Meet Karolyne Day! Woodlands Elite Allstar Cheerleader and Featured Athlete of The Month! Flyer, tumbler, and Varsity Fashionista! A role model for young cheerleaders
Meet Karolyne Day – the Cheer.fm Featured Athlete of The Month!
Karolyne Day is a member of the Woodlands Elite Generals team, and a Varsity Fashionista! She is an incredibly talented athlete skilled in tumbling and flying. In this episode we talk about what it’s like being a role model for so many, and what it takes to be a top performing athlete in the sport of competitive cheerleading. She offers up some tips on progression of skills, time management, goal setting, and flexibility (have you seen her toe touch? PERFECT!) Karolyne has documented a great deal of her journey in competitive cheerleading and you can connect with her directly to see videos of her own progression, insane skills, and keep up with where she’s headed next!
Connect directly with Karolyne Day!
on Instagram: @karolyneday15
on Snapchat: karolyneday1
on Twitter: @KarolyneDay
Listen to the interview below or on iTunes! Please leave a comment and let Karolyne know what your favorite piece of advice from the episode is.