CFM Podcast: 004 Goal Setting Mid Season – Motivation From UCA UDA College Nationals – Dr. Chelsea Pierotti Passionate Coach


I’m so excited about this episode! Dr. Chelsea Pierotti from Passionate Coach joins us and covers all the bases on GOAL SETTING! While goal setting is a topic that’s on fire pre-season or right after tryouts, we both also strongly believe it deserves some attention right now, mid-season, as cheer and dance teams across the nation prepare for regionals, state, and national championships!  We’re riding the wave of motivation from UCA/UDA College Nationals, and talk about how coaches and teams can hit the reset button, step back and reflect, and either create new goals or adjust previous goals as your team finishes out the season.  Chelsea is a former dance coach and an expert in motivation and sports psychology. She is a valuable resource for coaches and athletes and I’m so pumped to have her on the show.  Dive in, enjoy the episode, and be sure to plug in with her online!

Connect directly with Chelsea!

on the web: 

on Instagram: @passionatecoach

I love her workbook on “How to Crush Your Goal Setting This Season”! You can download a copy HERE.

Leave a comment and let Chelsea know what piece of advice was the best!  What did you learn this episode?  


9 + 11 =